
Arika Lilith Powers, LCSW
3 min readJan 14, 2022


Classical Pianist and Jazz Muscician: Nina Simone

“You’ve got to learn to leave the table
When love’s no longer being served”.”
Nina Simone

I’m tired.

It’s a tired I feel in my mind and body…

I don’t understand why… why are we okay with treating women like shit?

Why is the concept of treating each other with human decency so often overlooked, most especially when it comes to girls and women, in our society?

I don’t understand why women are treated as objects to be admired.

Held up on a pedestal and locked away in a cage.

Youwhoo…. There is brain beneath this skin bag… and I am a people too.

We have lost our grace and we have lost our patience. We are quick to assume and judge each other. We are quick to make others feel uncomfortable. Quick to lose compassion for others who we then de-humanize and turn into objects with labels.

I don’t understand the reasoning behind someone talking about physical attributes, as though people are just things.

I’m so tired of trying to.

I’ve talked with many women whom I often hear express feelings of fatigue, loneliness, and sadness stemming from a situation or many situations where they were objectified. Usually objectified with questions that relate to their sexuality or fertility.

Women are constantly made to feel uncomfortable while also expected to ensure everyone else’s feelings of comfort.

Young girls are programmed and given all types of hurtful biases, all based on our culture of patriarchy.

A culture that is rigid and inflexible. Where anyone other than the white, cis, male species is considered abnormal. If you are anything other than the “normal”, no worries we will shame you until you believe there is something inherently unworthy about you.

It’s just how we raise future adults in America. She is worthy if she presents as the “normal.” He is worthy as long as he presents his masks to society and the rapist culture as “normal.”

This worthiness is always dependent on how well she brings comfort to others around her. She is taught how to be. How to be pretty, how to behave to make men comfortable, how to sit, how to talk, and how to respond when talked to.

This programming is hurting all communities: it creates racist, misogynistic, and ableist communities. Within our culture, we prescribe the problem. We give shame, self-hate, and unworthiness to the next generation. And the transgenerational trauma continues.

We lose all of the ideas and innovations women could be creating or discovering when we don’t

She needs these in order to belong and connect with a tribe or system of people who provide her and her loved ones protection and stability.

She is constantly judged on how she is physically and how she behaves. How is she dressed? How does her physical body look? How was her body language when talking to such and such…? I could go on…but I’m tired.

We as women are all so tired.

We are tired of our bodies not being our own.

We are tired of not being heard.

We are tired of our work not being seen.

Tired of being treated with contempt when we are bold enough to speak up.

We are just so fucking tired.

The emotional and physical toll our society has on women and the standards for what women should be, is killing us far more than helping us. Women are being slaughtered by their previous or current partners in numbers not talked about enough.

Her boundaries are often crossed, because if you think about it… objects don’t need boundaries. Objects don’t have humanity in them, and so they don’t have the rights or freedoms to tell a man no. A man’s comfort is always her job in M’urica.

What if…

Part II…Next blog…

